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Caroline Griffin, BA

Light: The Language of Cells

Updated: Dec 19, 2021

Cells expand during pleasure and happiness, and contract under stress.

Here, we'll share with you a deep dive into research behind the influence of emotions on cellular health, Biophotons (the natural light emitted by the cells of living organisms) and how the frequencies of food, emotions, and the environment contribute to our short-term and long-term wellbeing.


Lifestyle Prescriptions

I once read an article about a psychiatrist in California who prescribed lifestyle changes to his patients in addition to (or instead of) medical prescriptions.

He found that when he interviewed his patients thoroughly, worked with them to identify the major sources of unhappiness or stress in their lives, and coached them on how to move forward with making positive changes and decisions that aligned with what naturally resonated with them, their physical symptoms often went away and their mental and emotional health improved drastically. It was, the doctor shared transparently, not always an easy task for the clients to make these changes, but the results were there.

This approach to therapy instantly resonated with me. Never before had I heard of anyone doing this professionally, though it made a lot of sense and elicited such moving results: remove the source of stress and frustration in the system (leave the job, move to the other state, start the career, be with what nourishes and excites you) and you remove the dissonance that laid the roots to the presenting pain or illness.

A quick Google search on how active engagement in the things you’re drawn to - or that bring you joy - can improve your overall health, might yield results along the lines of “doing the things you enjoy can lead to overall healthier lifestyle choices” or “you’re more likely to have lower stress levels, a lower heart rate, and a better mood. You’re also more likely to engage with the world around you”, which are all entirely true, but don't necessarily explain the why behind it all. Sure, engaging with the world and increasing meaningful human interaction is essential for mental and emotional wellbeing. Physical activities will activate mood-boosting endorphins, and eating healthy foods will increase an overall sense of health and vitality. But Why? On a cellular level, what’s happening there? Why does a daily ensemble of active participation in the things that bring us a sense of joy and purpose cause negative symptoms to decrease or, at best, what Western medicine might call “a spontaneous remission”? Let’s get into it.

Emotions are Energy in Motion

How does your body feel when you’re engaged in something that excites you or that “feels right”? How does your body feel when you’re upset or lacking interest and engagement? These feelings are not just happening at the cognitive level. They’re affecting your physiology right down to your cells.

Willhelm Reich, a Ukranian microbiologist, observed that cells expand during pleasure (including joy, happiness, elation), and contract under stress. When he compared the blood cells of cancer patients with those of healthy donors, he found constrictions that he judged to be the result of long-term stress. Deprived of emotional stimulation, the cells exposed to chronic stress had run down like batteries, leaving the whole organism vulnerable to disease.

Dr. Leonard Ravitz, a student and colleague of Harold Saxton Burr (professor at Yale University School of Medicine and founder of the L-Field theory) said that emotions are energy in motion.

“Both emotional activity and stimuli of any sort involve mobilization of electrical energy. Hence, both emotions and stimuli evoke the same energy. Emotions can be equated with energy.”

Ravitz described this energy as electrical, and subsequently found connections between low-energy states and diseases such as cancer, asthma, arthritis, and ulcers.

Our Cells and Energy

There are trillions of cells in our body, all replicating and dying and creating new cells by the thousands per second. Within those cells are fundamental structures and systems essential to human life, including mitochondria (the power house of energy-producing ATP), DNA, and organelles, to name just a few. Many attributes of the cell contribute to its ability to produce the energy that fuels the systematic functioning of our entire system - from walking and talking to our ability to connect thoughts and heal ourselves naturally.

“Each cell is a dynamic, living unit that is constantly monitoring and adjusting its own processes, working to restore itself according to the original DNA code it was created with and to maintain balance within the body”.

Biochemical Reactions and Light

Over 100,000 biochemical reactions are happening within our cells per second, all of which are carefully timed and sequenced with each other. Throughout these reactions, vital information for the next sequence of reactions is being communicated between the cells. In order to make sure each cell knows exactly what to do for the next task, they communicate instructions through frequencies of coherent light.

“The first report in 1923 of ultraviolet (UV) light emission during cell division in onion roots was from Alexander Gurwitsch, who subsequently found that UV light could stimulate cell division, and posited the existence of “mitogenic rays” governing basic processes of growth and repair. This work was further developed by Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp and L.V. Beloussov in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Since that time, biophotons have been reported to be involved in a variety of biological functions, including secretion of regulatory neurotransmitters, respiratory activity in white blood cells, (and more)”.

Biophotons - A Body of Light

“Essential biochemical reactions can only happen if the molecule of the cell reacting is excited by a photon. Molecules send out specific frequencies of electromagnetic waves which not only enable them to 'see' and 'hear' each other, but also to influence each other at a distance and become drawn to each other if vibrating out of phase.”

A photon is the smallest possible fundamental value, measurement, or “quanta” of light that exists. Biophotons refer to a low-level, erogenous source of light emitted from living organisms, specifically originating from within the cell. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, a German researcher in biophysics, was the first to prove the concept of the Biophoton Field in 1947, including the discovery that this biophotonic light in our cells is emitted from and stored by our DNA.

“The DNA inside each cell vibrates at a frequency of several billion hertz. The vibration is created through the coil-like contraction and extension of the DNA, which occurs several billion times per second. Every time it contracts, it squeezes out one single biophoton; a light particle. That photon contains all the information on everything going on in your DNA at that moment. One single biophoton can carry more than four megabytes of information, and relays this information to other biophotons as it crosses in the biophoton field outside of your body.”

Popp described these currents of light as biophoton emissions: a precise communication system utilizing coherent, low-level and ultra violet light to transmit information from one cell to the next. It cannot be seen by the naked eye, but Popp found the light to be stable in its intensity unless the organism was sick.

Coherent Light and Higher Frequencies

“Much weaker than the bioluminescence found in fireflies and many marine animals, biophoton emissions occur over a very broad range of frequencies, spanning the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet ranges”.

Coherent light can be described as a beam of photons with the same wave frequency, therefore existing in a natural and coherent flow. Some sources of light, like a flashlight, give off incoherent light, or a beam of photons in many frequencies that oscillate in all different directions. Can you imagine how the communication within these different variations of frequencies would go if the transfer of information depended on it?


"Following the work of Popp, scientists around the globe have begun to consider that your body's communication system is a complex network of resonance and frequency.”


Biophotons and Health

According to Popp’s research, the biophoton emissions of healthy individuals follow a set biological rhythms for daily and nightly cycles, and are connected to the biorhythms of the Earth. Research has also suggested that the light emitted from cancer patients lacked such natural rhythms, and instead appeared scrambled, suggesting that the cells were no longer communicating properly. This concept can also be applied to certain mental health and neurodegenerative conditions - when neurons are dysregulated and misfire, or miscommunicate, due to damage, low frequency, or malnutrition.

Food, Illuminated

Dr. Popp was among the first to suggest that Biophotons can come directly from the food we eat, and that certain foods possess more light than others. When we eat plants rich in biophotons, like fresh, raw vegetables (especially when eaten within 3 hours of being pulled from the Earth) and herbs like Mistletoe, we take in the biophotons of that plant and store them in our own bodies.

"An important aspect of raw foods is their energetic properties. Without light there is no health. We are human photocells whose ultimate biological nutrient is sunlight. Without the sun there is no life. We absorb sun energy via our food as well as through the skin" (Eating Sunlight).

The consumption of these biophotons nourishes the light in our own cells. In addition to increasing your overall sense of health and vitality, research shows that this can directly impact the overall frequency of your body, right down to individual organs and cells. Amazing, right?

"It is thought that the higher the level of light energy a cell emits, the greater its vitality and the potential for the transfer of that energy to the individual which consumes it" (Eating Sunlight).

Below you'll find some examples of Kirlian Photography. Named after Semyon Kirlian who, in 1939, discovered the phenomenon of capturing the electrical coronal discharge of a person or object. For further explanation and the science around this technique, I'd like to direct you to the book The Energy Cure by William Bengston, where the author delves much deeper into the discovery and discussion around this photographic technique.

Consider the amount of light given off by each object. Which is the brightest? What kinds of colors are being emitted?

"We are living in an ocean of light"

Let's consider the frequencies of food (remember that light is made up of frequency waves), but first preface that by determining the general frequencies of the human body. The frequencies of our bodies are directly impacted by the food we eat.

Healthy Body A healthy human body resonates at around 62-72 MHz (Megahertz). The human brain = 70-90 MHz Heart = 67-70 MHz

Lungs = 58-65 MHz

Body with Disease or other Illness Colds and Flu (start at) = 57-60 MHz Disease (starts at) = 58 MHz

Candida Overgrowth (starts at) = 55 MHz

Receptive to Cancer = 42 MHz

Now let's go further into the frequencies of food!

Fresh, Natural Foods:

Fresh Produce = 10-15 MHz

Fresh Herbs = 20-27 MHz

Dry Herbs = 20-22 MHz

Manufactured and Canned Foods: Processed and Canned Foods = 0 MHz

Our thoughts and emotions also carry frequencies. Notice the difference (below) between a focus on positivity and negativity. Unhealthy emotions and activities subtract from the overall frequency state of our bodies, while a focus on healthy emotions and activities adds to our overall frequency state.


Can you see, now, how the correlation between our emotions, the foods we eat, and our environment all have a direct impact on our body's ability to produce biophotons, or, natural light?



*This information is meant for educational purposes only, and does not suggest a diagnosis of any kind*


D'Acquisto F. (2017). Affective immunology: where emotions and the immune response converge. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience, 19(1), 9–19.

Konikiewicz, Leonard W. (1978). Introduction to electrography: A handbook for prospective researchers of the Kirlian effect in biomedicine. Leonard's Associates.

Popp FA. Properties of biophotons and their theoretical implications. Indian J Exp Biol. 2003 May;41(5):391-402. PMID: 15244259.

Srinivasan T. M. (2017). Biophotons as Subtle Energy Carriers. International journal of yoga, 10(2), 57–58.

1 commentaire

28 déc. 2021

Amazing information! Thank you for sharing this!

Illustrated Plant
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